
“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest” Benjamin Franklin

Case Histories

Valuation assessment for VC portfolio company, inflammatory/ respiratory diseases space

We were retained by a European VC to perform an independent valuation of a portfolio company with the inflammation and respiratory diseases space. The portfolio company had just had a successful readout on a phase IIa trial. The assessment involved developing a risk based NPV model to value the underlying programmes, and benchmarking with similar recent deals in related therapeutic areas.

Commercial analysis of microbial detection technology, UK diagnostic co.

We performed a commercial analysis and positioning for a UK based diagnostics company developing a rapid microbial detection technology. The specific applications we addressed included looking at the blood screening market. The review included speaking to clinical and lab based experts to assess market need, pricing assessment to ensure a competitive price point, and market opportunity evaluation in major markets. The company has since achieved a significant licensing deal with a big pharma partner.

Infectious disease sector review, for UK Government

We undertook a comprehensive analytical review of UK companies within the infectious diseases space (private and public). This included identifying companies developing new anti-infective agents, companies developing detection technology and companies providing mass cleaning and disinfecting infrastructure. This information was presented in a report outlining UK resources available for biodefense applications.

Strategic adviser to a UK biomarker CRO (interim)

We provided a comprehensive strategic review for a niche entrepreneur run CRO. This included focusing the company’s offering around identification, validation and measurement of biomarkers. Ongoing support was provided to the board and CEO in strategic and business development matters.

Series A investment due diligence, for top-tier UK life sciences VC

We performed a due diligence (commercial and scientific) of a biotech firm for a top-tier VC client, in the cardiovascular disease space. The client followed ATPBio’s recommendation to decline the investment opportunity, based on poor intellectual property protection and advanced competition.

Series A investment due diligence for UK life sciences and tech VC

We performed a commercial, technical and IP due diligence for a university spin-out specialty pharma company working in the hormone related diseases space. Though the commercial and technical diligence were positive, the client declined the investment opportunity based on our negative assessment of the company’s IP position.

Series A investment due diligence for DNA diagnostics spin-out

We performed a comprehensive review of a university spin-out working to develop a DNA sampling, processing and detection technology focused around diagnostic applications. This included a review of the technology’s capability, comparison with gold-standard capability already on or close to market, and deploying a team of experts in the technology and diagnostics space to provide insight. The recommendation was made not to continue development since there were significant shortcomings in technical performance.

Commercial analysis and modelling for a diagnostic test for cancer

We performed a due diligence and market analysis for a technology to diagnose bladder cancer. The client was a cancer focused technology transfer group. The project involved interviewing thought leaders in the space, and learning pricing and marketing strategies from competitor companies with similar products. We assisted the client in building a financial model for their business plan. The technology was subsequently licensed to a start-up working in cancer diagnostics.